Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Reid is 11 Months

I can’t believe that in only a few weeks my little boy Its going to be one! This year has gone by so fast but I am determined to enjoy this last month before his birthday.  He has changed so much this past month and is turning into a little boy before my eyes.  He is less and less my little baby and more his own person ready to explore everything around him.  He is even losing his chunk and thinning out. 

He still loves to get into everything and gets into things even more.  He thinks he is hilarious and is always trying to make us laugh. He gets the goofiest smile on his face when he succeeds.  It amazes me how aware his is about everything that is going on around him and wants to be included.  He has discovered that he can wave and now loves to wave at everyone that walks by.  When we were in Peru he was constantly waving at at all the people.  He is becoming more and more social and just flourishes when he is surrounded by those he loves.  He still loves to be outside and we try to go to the park everyday especially since it is spring now and it is so beautiful outside. 

He loves to crawl and is very happy that he can get around.  He doesn’t seem too interested in walking but I know that he will be ready when the time is right just like crawling.  He does however, love to pull himself up on anything and everything.  He hasn’t master standing on his own but it amazes me what he can pull up on to stand.  He has six teeth now and uses them to his full advantage.  He eats pretty much everything except dairy and wheat but anything else is fair game and he’ll find a way to chow down on it.  Wes is still his absolute favorite and I just love to see them together. They are two peas in a pod and it is just so sweet.  He is the best little boy and I just love him so much!

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steeevNlizzy said...

What a big boy. He's changing too quick!