Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Tyler is 2 Months

My sweet little boy is two months already.  He is so fun and such a great addition to our family.  We just all love him so much and enjoy his perfect little personality.  He had his two month checkup and passed with flying colors.  The doctor is very pleased with his growth and says he is just perfect. He is starting to recognize us more and more. He is smiling and cooing which just makes my heart melt.  He adores his brother and looks for him when he hears his voice.  Reid still wants to be wherever Tyler is and asks to hold him on an hourly basis. 

Tyler has rolled over from his tummy to his back and is getting stronger every day.  He is an excellent sleeper and has been sleeping about 8-9 hours every night for a couple of weeks. I just started putting him in his crib in the room with Reid and they have been doing great.  They have both slept great and we haven’t had any problems…yet.  I’m sure they will come later but for now I am enjoying my sleep.  He is just the best baby and so calm and easy going. He still rarely cries and just waits patiently for me to get him when he wakes up or when he is hungry.  Sometimes I worry how easy going he is but that’s because I have to worry about something! He is just as perfect as can be and we just love him so much!

Two moth stats:

10 lbs, 14 oz (30th percentile)

23 in long (54th percentile) and head is 15 1/2 in (35th percentile)

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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Going private

Wes has really been bugging me to make the blog private so if you are interested in reading this blog then just make sure to give me your email address.  I’ll probably make it private in the next week or so. I know it’s more annoying but my husband is even more annoying and I’m sick of him talking about it so I guess I will just give in!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Halloween Time

It seems like every year each holiday just gets better and better.  With Reid getting older and now having another one it just made everything so fun.  We had a great time and Reid really got into Halloween.  I found a cow costume that was so cute for Tyler so I convinced Reid to be a cowboy so we could have a bit of a theme.  Reid thought it was great and was so excited to be a cowboy.  He would run around the house saying, “I be a COWBOY!”  That’s is apparently what cowboys say!

We decided to go to the pumpkin patch with my sister and her family.  It was super fun to go with cousins and Reid had a blast.  We got to go to the petting zoo, ride the train and of course, pick a pumpkin.  It was a great way to start the Halloween festivities and really got Reid excited for more.  We had a couple more parties before Halloween and one of them was our ward’s trunk or treat.  Reid got to practice trick or treating and get it down.  He loved it and our good friend Brett took him around because Wes had to work. He loved it and was excited to do more.  On the actual day we went to Wes’ sister’s house and my sister came over as well.  He got to go out with all of this cousins which was especially fun. He spent the night running at full speed after his older cousins saying, “Wait for me!” It was too funny and he just yelled trick or treat to everyone cause he was so excited.  It was a great time and it just makes me more excited for next year!

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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Tyler is 1 Month

I can’t believe my baby is a whole month already.  It is going by way too fast and I am trying to enjoy every minute with him.  I was such a mess and so crazy with Reid that I didn’t really enjoy him at this age so I am soaking every little bit of Tyler up.  He is such a good baby and has just brought so much joy to our family.  I couldn’t imagine life without him.

He is such a good sleeper and does so well at night.  He’s still getting up about every 3 hours but he nurses so well and then goes right back to sleep. It’s hard to get up but he makes it about as easy as it could be.  He also just loves his big brother.  They have bonded and it is really amazing to see.  Tyler perks up whenever he hears Reid’s voice and Reid just always wants to be wherever Tyler is and is constantly giving him kisses.  I know they are going to be so close growing up and I’m so glad that they will have each other. I can’t wait to see that brotherly bond continue to grow.  Reid is so protective of Tyler and is constantly reminding me to now forget him and he always says to Tyler is so special.  Reid hasn’t been jealous at all which I was really worried about but is just all love.  I was so worried that I wouldn’t be able to handle two kids but it is a lot easier than I thought. Granted, I have days that I just want to scream and pull out all my hair but the majority of the time it is pretty good.  I just love my boys and couldn’t be happier to have Tyler here and he is just as perfect as can be.

I weighed him at my sister’s house a few days before he turned a month and he was just under 8 1/2 pounds.  He is gaining weight perfectly and is getting some chub. Can’t wait until he is nice and chunky!

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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Cute Boys

I wanted some newborn pictures done of Tyler and my brother-in-law, Steve offered to take some pictures for me.  He did a great job and they turned out so cute.  I swear I have the cutest boys on the planet and I could not be any more grateful for them.  I just love them to pieces! 

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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Tyler Bradley Llewellyn

We are happy to announce the arrival of our sweet little boy on September 19th at 2:29 am.  I had been  having contractions for about a week and a half and two days before we actually went to the hospital thinking it was time.  I was having regular contractions but wasn’t progressing so they sent me home.  A couple days later the contractions were a lot stronger and I was having them all day so when I couldn’t take it anymore we decided to head to the hospital again.  This time I was definitely in labor and we were going home with our sweet little boy. 

About two hours after we arrived at the hospital I was able to get the epidural which was heaven.  I could still feel a lot with Reid after the epidural but this time I was completely numb.  I thought I was going to get a little rest but after only about an hour and a half to two hours my water broke and I was fully dilated.  I had to wait for the doctor to get there and after two contractions and about 4 pushes he was here.  It was the easiest delivery and such a huge contrast to what I experienced with Reid.  I was happy and smiling the whole time and didn’t feel a thing.  It was amazing!

Our new sweet little boy is the cutest and we fell in love immediately.  I didn’t think I would be able to love anyone else as much as I do Reid but I was amazed that I love him just the same.  We are so happy to have our second little boy here and I know that we are going to have the best time raising our two boys together.  They already love each other and Reid talks about his new baby brother all the time and has to tell everyone.  It is such a miracle to have two wonderful, perfect little boys and we could not be happier. 

Tyler Bradley Llewellyn

September 19, 2012   2:29 am

6 lbs, 6 oz, 19 in


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Thursday, September 6, 2012

Jessica’s Baby Shower

So I’m trying to catch up on blogging so I have a few posts to catch up on.  Back in the middle of May I threw a baby shower for my sister, Jessica.  Her pregnancy was pretty difficult and so I wanted to have some fun during it so she wouldn’t remember it as all bad.  My mom was nice enough for me to have it at her house and she helped so much.  I ordered the decorations from Etsy and they turned out great.  Everything was fantastic and it was the first shower I have ever done so I was pretty impressed with myself.  We had amazing cupcakes for Bake You Happy and yummy food.  I think Jessica had a good time and it was fun just to spend time with friends. 

A few weeks later sweet little Brandon was born and has had some hardships.  Today is the day he is getting his heart surgery to fix a heart defect.  He has been in and out of the hospital since he was born and he is a little trooper.  Jessica has been amazing the whole way, balancing her two older kids and her new baby. He has had to eat with a feeding tube so we are all hoping that after his heart is fixed that he will be able to eat better and that all his problems will be gone.  We all love him so much and can’t wait for him to be all patched up and fixed.  So grateful that he is here and he is an amazing little addition to our growing family!

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