Friday, April 15, 2011

Eat More Sand

Last week we were able to go up to Carpinteria for a few days and we had a blast.  The first attempt didn't go so well and we ended up leaving in the middle of the night.  Reid woke up and refused to go back to sleep so a very frustrated mom threw him in the car and drove home.  Thankfully it's only about an hour away so it wasn't really that big of a deal. After a few days to recover we tried again.  This time Wes could come up with us and the second time went flawless.  It was much warmer and the sun was out so we could actually go to the beach.  Reid loved Loved LOVED the sand and couldn't get enough.  He was so fast that it was hard to keep him from eating the sand but I guess it's not going to kill him so big deal if he eats a little, right?!

He couldn't get enough and then Wes brought him down to the water. My little water baby was in heaven and even though it was cold he didn't care in the least.  He sat down by the water until Mom had to make the call that it was too cold and his limbs might fall off.  He had so much fun especially having his dad's full attention.  They are just two peas in a pod and when Wes is around Reid is just stuck to him like glue.  It is really sweet to see and it actually gave me a break for a while!  There will be lots more fun trips to Carp in the future and way more camping trips I am sure of it.  We really had a blast.


steeevNlizzy said...

I love the first and second to last pictures the most. So cute. Bring your flash drive Tuesday night if you come over, so I can print them big for you.