Monday, February 1, 2010

It's a Boy!!

It's a BOY!!! On January 14th we got our second ultrasound and I was almost 16 weeks along. It was the most amazing thing in the world to see our little baby on that screen. The first ultrasound didn't really look like a baby but this time he looked like the cutest little boy I have ever seen!! The technician was great and took a lot of time with us so we could see every inch of his amazing little body. He was measuring at about 5 ounces which is the big end of normal. Everything else was in the normal range so Wes and I could breathe a sigh of relief just knowing that everything is progressing great. While the technician was checking everything we found out it is going to be a BOY! I thought it was a boy the since I got pregnant but Wes was set that it was going to be a girl. I love being right!! We are both so thrilled and Wes cannot stop thinking about all that he is going to do with our little man.

Wes says that I am sticking my belly our which is probably true because I am just so ready to be showing.
All ten fingers and toes!

I love this one where he is standing on his head!

Our first ultrasound was at what I thought 7 weeks. We were given a due dat of June 26th but when we saw him he was a little bit smaller than he should have been so they measured him at 6 weeks. They put us back a week which I was not too happy about but everything looked good so I wasn't complaining. My due date was pushed to July 2nd and we are now counting down the days!

6 weeks