Sunday, February 28, 2010

22 weeks

How far along?: 22 weeks
Total weight gain: 3 lbs so far
How big is the baby?: a Papaya (8 in, 1.2lbs)
Maternity clothes: I can still fit into a lot of my clothes but I do wear maternity shirts and dresses, I can still button my pants so I haven't gotten any maternity pants.
Stretch marks: Nope
Sleep: I have been sleeping good so far thanks to my amazing pregnancy pillow!
Best moment so far: Wes got to feel him move and I seem to have popped out a bit
Movement: Still have a crazy maniac in my belly who loves to do gymnastics
Food cravings: Fruit mostly but I did crave skittles a few days ago
Gender: still a boy
Labor signs: Just some Braxton Hicks contractions
Belly button: still the same but Wes is hoping to finally see the end of my belly button by the end of my pregnancy
What I am looking forward to: Getting his room done. We are in the process of painting and getting it all set up for him.

This weeks has been great because people are actually noticing that I am pregnant. I feel huge but when I took a picture I didn't look as big as I think I do in my head. I am scared to get any bigger, I think I could stay this size and be just fine!


hilary w said...

YOU LOOK AMAZING!!! I can't believe you are over halfway done and you are still so tiny! I know what you this point in pregnancy you feel like you can't get any bigger. Just wait.... :) Honestly, though, you will probably stay pretty petite if you are still wearing regular jeans at 22 weeks!!!