Monday, March 7, 2011

Reid is 9 Months

Today my little monkey is 9 months! I can't believe that we are only 3 months away from him turning 1.  It doesn't seem like enough time has passed for this to be happening!  I guess I am in denial about my little boy growing up so fast.  This past month has been really fun and he has grown so much.  He is all over the place now with his rolling and some scooting.  He hasn't mastered the crawling yet and would really like to be able to but he manages to get around to where he wants to be.  I am still getting used to having a mobile baby and I realize how nice it was when he stayed in one place and I didn't have to worry about him getting into mischief. 

He has been able to pull himself up to standing while holding onto something and he can go from the crawling position to sitting.  He rocks back and forth on his knees and can scoot backwards.  He has mastered putting things in and taking them out.  He loves doing this over and over again and is so proud of himself every time he does it. 

I swear he is a genius in the eating department.  He LOVES to eat and it seems like he is eating all the time.  He has 3 teeth now and uses them as best he can.  He can pick up cereal like his puffs or Kix with his thumb and forefinger with complete ease and can bite them in half.  It is so funny to seem him eat them because he bites everything in half and then shows the other half to you. He has also discovered feeding other people and thinks it's just the best.  He could sit there forever and feed me his puffs which are quite good so I don't mind.  I started making his baby food this month because he was eating so much and we couldn't keep up with him.  He loves the homemade stuff and now I think he's spoiled.  It wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be so I guess I'll keep it up.  He is eating more real food so I probably won't have to do it very much longer.  He loves any cooked veggies that I give him and can eat rice, and meats with ease. 

Today we went in to his 9 month check up and were pleased to see that he was growing quite well.  He weighed in at 20 lbs, and 28 1/2 in  long.  He is in the 40-45th percentile and perfectly healthy.  The doctor was very happy with his growth and development.  I truly can't believe how big my boy is getting and he is so fun.  He loves to give kisses and is becoming such a ham. He loves people and the more people that are paying attention to him the better. Can't wait for more fun to come!