Tuesday, July 13, 2010


This whole nursing thing has probably been the hardest thing that I have ever done (besides giving birth). I didn't expect it to be nearly this difficult and frustrating. I thought it would be natural and the baby would know what to do. SO WRONG!! I know that I have already talked about Reid's problems with nursing but I just had to write about again because it has taken over my life and tha'ts pretty much all I think about now. Reid has had such a hard time latching on, mainly due to his being so early. We have been continuing to work with Terry (the lactation consultant) and after much fighting we got him to latch on a few days ago. I was so happy but also physically and emotionally exhausted from fighting with my 1 month old. Even though it was really hard and frustrating I kept trying and a few days later all my hard work paid off. He has been latching on with no problem now and I haven't had to use the nipple sheild once. I am so grateful that I kept going and didn't give up. He is so worth it and I could not be happier. Now what's next to worry about?!


hilary w said...

I am so happy to hear that nursing has taken a turn for the better! Isn't that the case sometimes? Just when you are ready to give up, something good happens. I remember when I was potty-training Jack...he pooped in his pants EVERY day for six MONTHS! One day I was so frustrated I just wanted to scream! I was ready to just yell at him and give up. Well...what do you know, the next day he pooped in the potty and never had one poop accident again! I'm so glad your hard work paid off. Way to go Mommy and Reid!