Sunday, February 28, 2010

22 weeks

How far along?: 22 weeks
Total weight gain: 3 lbs so far
How big is the baby?: a Papaya (8 in, 1.2lbs)
Maternity clothes: I can still fit into a lot of my clothes but I do wear maternity shirts and dresses, I can still button my pants so I haven't gotten any maternity pants.
Stretch marks: Nope
Sleep: I have been sleeping good so far thanks to my amazing pregnancy pillow!
Best moment so far: Wes got to feel him move and I seem to have popped out a bit
Movement: Still have a crazy maniac in my belly who loves to do gymnastics
Food cravings: Fruit mostly but I did crave skittles a few days ago
Gender: still a boy
Labor signs: Just some Braxton Hicks contractions
Belly button: still the same but Wes is hoping to finally see the end of my belly button by the end of my pregnancy
What I am looking forward to: Getting his room done. We are in the process of painting and getting it all set up for him.

This weeks has been great because people are actually noticing that I am pregnant. I feel huge but when I took a picture I didn't look as big as I think I do in my head. I am scared to get any bigger, I think I could stay this size and be just fine!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

20 Weeks

After looking at the ultrasound pictures from when I was 16 weeks, the doctor decided he wasn't satisfied with the pictures and wanted me to go in for another one. I was not going to complain because ultrasounds are my favorite and I look forward to the next time I can see my little boy. I was super excited that I didn't have to wait very long to see his squirmy little body. I decided to invite my mom to this visit because she is such a huge supporter and I knew that she was dying to see him for herself. She was super excited and it just made it even more special. He looked great and the and was measuring at about 12 oz which is on the big side. I know that I am the mom but I just love him so much and can't wait to meet him!

Not much has happened in the past couple of weeks. He has been moving a lot more and Wes was finally able to feel him for himself. He was really excited but I think that he thought it would be stronger than it was. He'll continue to get stronger as time goes on which scares me because I'm not looking forward to getting punched in the ribs but his dad is eager to feel him more. I have popped out a bit more and I now feel huge except everyone keeps telling me that I'm still small. I'll have to post pictures so I can get other feedback! We are also trying to get everything ready for his arrival which is a bit harder than I thought. Wes did clean out the garage for me which was awesome and I cleaned out the closet in the babies room to get ready for the mountains of stuff we are going to get. It is no where near to getting done but at least we made a little headway. I'm sure we'll have it done by the time he gets here, at least that's what I hope!

Monday, February 1, 2010

18 Weeks

I decided to do my first pregnancy survey just to track everything that is going on and I'm stealing the one my friend Alex is using because she is so cute and only one week ahead of me so here it goes...

How far along? 18 weeks
Total weight gain: none so far because I lost 4 pounds in my first trimester so I'm now almost back to where I started
How big is the baby?: The size of a mango (6in, .5 lbs)
Maternity clothes?: Not really even though I would really like to be
Stretch marks?: No!!!
Sleep: I sleep ok and all the time but since I am in bed so much I'm actually getting really sore!
Best moment so far: Feeling the baby kick and finding out he is a BOY!
Movement?: Tons, I don't think he ever stops moving
Food cravings?: Fruit, mostly pineapple and oranges
Gender: BOY
Labor signs?: Not yet, just some ligament pain
Belly Button?: Still the same as before
What I'm looking forward to: I want Wes to be able to feel him kick
Milestone: I actually bought my first maternity dress today which is my first purchase for any maternity clothes. I don't really need it yet but it was so cute and I am anxious to start looking pregnant so I figure if I buy some maternity clothes maybe that will happen!

Last week we had a bit of a scare when we were sent to the ER because I was having some pain. I had been having it for about a week before I said anything. I mentioned it to my mom who told me that everything was probably fine but that we sould probably just call the doctor. I started to get a little scared but decided to call him just to make sure everything was ok. When I called he told me that I needed to go to the ER just to make sure that nothing was happening. I went and spent about 5 hours there before we found out that it was just some round ligament pain. I had never even heard of that before but it is when your ligaments are so tight that when they are stretching they give sharp pains around your belly. I was so happy to know that everything was ok and now the pain doesn't bother me as much. I hope that was the only time I will have to be there because it was awful and scary!

It's a Boy!!

It's a BOY!!! On January 14th we got our second ultrasound and I was almost 16 weeks along. It was the most amazing thing in the world to see our little baby on that screen. The first ultrasound didn't really look like a baby but this time he looked like the cutest little boy I have ever seen!! The technician was great and took a lot of time with us so we could see every inch of his amazing little body. He was measuring at about 5 ounces which is the big end of normal. Everything else was in the normal range so Wes and I could breathe a sigh of relief just knowing that everything is progressing great. While the technician was checking everything we found out it is going to be a BOY! I thought it was a boy the since I got pregnant but Wes was set that it was going to be a girl. I love being right!! We are both so thrilled and Wes cannot stop thinking about all that he is going to do with our little man.

Wes says that I am sticking my belly our which is probably true because I am just so ready to be showing.
All ten fingers and toes!

I love this one where he is standing on his head!

Our first ultrasound was at what I thought 7 weeks. We were given a due dat of June 26th but when we saw him he was a little bit smaller than he should have been so they measured him at 6 weeks. They put us back a week which I was not too happy about but everything looked good so I wasn't complaining. My due date was pushed to July 2nd and we are now counting down the days!

6 weeks