Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The End of an Era

So I know this is weird but I just had to do a post on breastfeeding.  My initial goal was to do it for 6 months but since it was going so well I decided to keep on going for the whole year.  During the first six months it was hard because I was the only one feeding him and it became a little daunting.  I had to be within an arms reach of him at all times or use the cow milker (aka pump) to get enough food for him to do a few errands. But by the time he reached 6 months he was so good at it and I really couldn’t change even if I wanted to because he then refused to take a bottle.  He started eating solid foods which meant that I had to do it less and less. Over the next six months it really became enjoyable as it was my one on one time with him to snuggle. 

He just recently stopped just a few days before he turned a year.  I was surprised at how sad I was that I was no longer going to have that time with him.  There is definitely a bond there when you have all their attention and they are just so happy to be snuggled up so close.  By the end it was hard to get him to sit still even for a few minutes so I knew that it was time to move on.  I’m going to miss my little baby but I’m glad that I stuck with it and I had that special time with him.  It really was worth it.


Mrs. Lexi said...

Congratulations for making it a whole year! That is seriously awesome! I know exactly how you feel about missing the bonding, though. :-)