Tuesday, July 8, 2008

4th of July

This 4th of July was great. I was suppose to work but the Wed before I had eye surgery. I got Lasik surgery so I can now see without any contacts or glasses. It is probably the best thing in the world and I am forever indebted to my parents for helping me with it. I could see as soon as the surgery was over and it only lasted like a min. Anyway, back to the 4th. I was suppose to work but since I had surgery, I had to recuperate. While I was doing that, Wes and I went down to Sunland to watch the parade. When I was little, I loved it but now I realized that I didn't know
any better. We had fun just making fun of it. There were a few cool parts to it like the motorcycle cops and the big trucks. We met up with some friends and went swimming afterward. Then we went back up to Valencia for more fun at the Beckstroms for a BBQ and more swimming. We watched the fireworks at Stevenson Ranch park and had a great time. Thank goodness I didn't have to work!


brittneyboucha said...

hey kimi, i saw your blog on cristines. it so fun to read about you and your fun life. your niece and nephew are so cute. we prayed and prayed for them. im sure you are having a blast being the aunt and able to just spoil them.