So I finally made it into my third trimester! I can't believe that I only have about 2 1/2 months left. It seems like this pregnancy has gone by pretty fast but on the other hand I am not so excited to get bigger. I know that means getting more uncomfortable and bigger!! I guess I will take it though because I know my little boy is going to be so cute. I can't wait to see him and hold him.
Well, we celebrated entering into my 3rd trimester by going to Carpinteria. I love the beach so I was so excited to go. My parents just bought a tent trailor so it made camping a lot easier. I had a comfortable bed so it wasn't difficult to spend 9 days there. We had such beautiful weather and I was even able to try out my new maternity swimsuit.
These past couple of weeks have been ok. I feel like I am getting bigger everyday but I guess I'm ok with that because that means he is getting bigger as well. His kicks have been getting more intense and have made me flinch a few times. Wes is addicted to feeling him move which I love. I just don't love when he kicks me in the ribs. It is not a pleasant feeling and I could do without that. I cannot wait until he is here and I am so excited to be in the last trimester because that means he will be here soon!!
Wes wanted to show off his baby bump as well!