Wednesday, February 24, 2010

20 Weeks

After looking at the ultrasound pictures from when I was 16 weeks, the doctor decided he wasn't satisfied with the pictures and wanted me to go in for another one. I was not going to complain because ultrasounds are my favorite and I look forward to the next time I can see my little boy. I was super excited that I didn't have to wait very long to see his squirmy little body. I decided to invite my mom to this visit because she is such a huge supporter and I knew that she was dying to see him for herself. She was super excited and it just made it even more special. He looked great and the and was measuring at about 12 oz which is on the big side. I know that I am the mom but I just love him so much and can't wait to meet him!

Not much has happened in the past couple of weeks. He has been moving a lot more and Wes was finally able to feel him for himself. He was really excited but I think that he thought it would be stronger than it was. He'll continue to get stronger as time goes on which scares me because I'm not looking forward to getting punched in the ribs but his dad is eager to feel him more. I have popped out a bit more and I now feel huge except everyone keeps telling me that I'm still small. I'll have to post pictures so I can get other feedback! We are also trying to get everything ready for his arrival which is a bit harder than I thought. Wes did clean out the garage for me which was awesome and I cleaned out the closet in the babies room to get ready for the mountains of stuff we are going to get. It is no where near to getting done but at least we made a little headway. I'm sure we'll have it done by the time he gets here, at least that's what I hope!


Kerry said...

Oh my! He is so cute already!!! Now I can't wait for my 20 week u-sound March 16th:) Yea!!!